Therapy, Workshops & Retreats
Custom-designed therapies for individuals and groups drawing from our own journeys, experience and informed by theory and practice.
Our approach helps you work through five phases described below. In reality, these phases are an ongoing part of whole living.

This is both an initial step of making sure we meet each other at the right place as well as being a journey that we take together through the whole process. Together we help you discover more of yourself.
An important element of this is discovering our stories about ourselves and others and how constantly rerunning these patterns from the past separates us from the present.
"You are the sky. The clouds are what happens, what comes and goes." Eckart Tollé
You can't numb those hard feelings without numbing the other affects, our emotions. You cannot selectively numb. So when we numb those, we numb joy, we numb gratitude, we numb happiness. Brené Brown
Thoughts, Physical Responses and Emotions pass through our consciousness all the time and can be useful mirrors from which to learn and signals for growth.
Unobserved they act as blockers to peaceful and effective living. We are literally "lost in thought". They form the basis of our stories and limit us to habitual reactions. They can cause or worsen our pain.
Sometimes we suppress our thoughts emotions and physical feelings through various types of numbing - another form of being unconscious.
Awareness frees us from their hold on us, observing them provides us with valuable information from which to build intentional and calm living.
Be in Touch and Be Curious!

An essential part of growing is practice. We will provide safe opportunities to practice being present, observing and examining our stories, thoughts and how we feel and respond - and then coming back into the present time and space.
We will also encourage you to start to practice these on your own in daily life.
“Fitting in is about assessing a situation and becoming who you need to be to be accepted. Belonging, on the other hand, doesn’t require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are." Brené Brown
​Knowing: Through this work we begin to know ourselves truly. (beyond our roles and our stories and the stories of others)
Letting go: Conscious living and awareness enable us to let go of unhelpful attachments with which we identify.
Boundaries: The more we know ourselves the more confidence we have to set and sustain boundaries that are meaningful.
The combination of knowing ourselves, letting go and setting boundaries is a powerful recipe for authentic living.
Authenticity: This is about embracing and being who you really are, the dark and the light. It is not about creating convenient excuses for not being a better version of yourself.
Neither is it about being what somebody else thinks is authentic.

​T​his is wholeness at a deep level. It is very hard to consistently live this way in a society full of unconscious people and so the constant practice of self discovery, observation and awareness is necessary.
Conscious living involves life long practice because life keeps happening with all its lessons and challenges. With frequent practice of techniques such as meditation, one becomes able to behave more consciously and intentionally in stressful situations.
As yoga teachers say, we should do those difficult stretches without judgment.
In the same way the ongoing practice of authentic living is not helped by judging ourselves when we think we are failing.
"In the moment that you become aware of the fact that you have been behaving unconsciously that is when awareness arises.
Just begin again. " Sam Harris

This is a framework rather than a procedure. We would follow this broadly as a process that includes circling back and forth,
starting again and learning along the way.
Through practice, discovery is continuous and awareness grows.
As we let go, we discover more. As we practice, we build confidence and sustain our growth.

What we offer:
Individual therapy-
Reflective listening and empathic understanding, integrated with personal practice - to access the abilities within and free from blocks
Our work with you begins where you are. Using the key principles and framework described above we tailor-make a person-centered approach and discover together from there.

​Group Work
​Our work with groups shares these principles and is built around different techniques and purposes.
These will consist of one or more of the following depending on the context:
Experiences to enhance individual growth and confidence, sharing through vulnerability, in a safe space.
Creating communal experiences where meaningful conversations
can take place.
Providing opportunities to practice skills and techniques in a safe space.
Shared learning workshops focusing on particular topics.
Communal activities providing opportunities for creative expression, physical exercise, presence in nature or giving to the community.

​People at Work
​For nearly three decades we have been helping leaders to create conditions in their organisations where people are willing and able to work together more effectively. We have worked in several countries and various types and sizes of organisation.
Our theory and practice provides a coherent approach for how we structure organisations, design systems, lead people and build teams. The focus of all of this work is to create a positive and productive culture.

​Leadership & Team Effectiveness
One to three day workshops tailored to specific contexts and purpose
Executive Business Planning
-Shaping the organisation you need
Individual Leadership Coaching
Organisational Effectiveness Consulting
Advice to small businesses as they grow larger
Dragonfly is a place where you can create and grow from the real you within. Instead of numbing and suppressing emotions - we need to "lean in" to them so we can feel them, observe them and heal. We have to let ourselves be vulnerable in order to be seen for who we are.
This takes courage and hard work.